Be Debt Free In College!

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Going to college is an investment in your future, but it can also be expensive. However, with saving, you can reduce the burden of student loan be debt free in college, provide financial security, and pursue higher education opportunities.

With the cost of tuition and other expenses rising, having savings can also provide peace of mind and ensure that you are better prepared for the future.

​By starting to save as early as possible, you can take advantage of the power of compound interest, where your savings can grow over time and provide you with even greater benefits in the long run.

In the latest episode of The Money Exchange podcast, Robert Farrington shares some of the ways you can get through college with the least be debt free in college possible.

​Here are some tips for saving money for college so you can be prepared for the costs ahead:

1. Open a 529 Account

A 529 account is a tax-advantaged account designed exclusively for college savings. 529 accounts compound over time, allowing you to maximize the money you’re saving.

A tax-advantaged account designed exclusively for college savings is known as a 529 plan. You can increase the amount of money you’re saving by using 529 accounts, which compound over time.

Every state has a 529 plan available, and more than two thirds of them provide tax benefits for contributions made to the account. While you can contribute to a 529 plan in any state, doing so will prevent you from benefiting from in-state tax savings.

While on The Money Exchange Podcast, Robert Farrington shared that the earlier you open a 529 account for your child, the better it will be for them as the funds will grow over a longer period of time.

He also suggested that rather than accumulating a number of gifts from family members for your child’s birthday, as a parent you can speak to them about contributing to the child’s 529 plan considering most of the gifts are often disposed over a certain period of time.

Contributing to a 529 can be an overwhelming thought, so it is important to budget for it. I have a great resource for budgeting on me resource page. It’s totally free for you. If you need something a little more complex, you an use my Tiny Budge Planner instead.

If you need something even more complex, Rocket Money is perfect! You can not only budget better, but you can even save money on your bills. Check them out here.

2. Apply for Scholarships and Grants

Start early when applying for grants and scholarships. It is recommended that students start during their freshman year of high school and continue through their senior year.

Farrington also advises students to apply for smaller scholarships instead of simply the ones with large prize amounts because fewer people are applying for those.

He added that looking out for local scholarships in your community or sponsored by an organization should be addressed as there is a significantly higher chance of one acquiring them compared to significant ones.

​One amazing way to learn more about grants is to check out Shante R. Roddy’s Win Grant With Ease Masterclass. This course will teach you how to get all of the best grants with ease. She will help you save money! Check out this amazing masterclass here.

3. Be Open to the Idea of Community College

Community colleges are typically more affordable than four-year universities, making higher education more accessible to a wider range of students.

They also offer a variety of vocational programs and certifications that can help students prepare for in-demand careers like in healthcare.

Additionally, they provide students with access to a wide range of support services, such as tutoring, counseling, and financial aid.

Above all, students can easily transfer to four-year universities to complete their bachelor’s degrees.

4. Get a Part-Time Job

This can help you save money for college by providing additional income that you can use to pay for tuition, books, and other related expenses.

Additionally, having a job can also help you develop valuable job skills and a strong work ethic, which can be beneficial as you pursue higher education and eventually enter the workforce.

By earning and saving money through a part-time job, you can reduce your reliance on student loans and other forms of debt, potentially saving you money in the long run.

​If you’re needing to build your credit to help get yourself on track financially, you need to check out the Credit Builder Card. It’s a great way to go from a low (or non-existent) credit score, to flourishing with your credit. Check it out here!

5. Start a Business

Have you got a fresh business concept? Another innovative college finance solution is starting your own business to make money and pay for school. You don’t need a degree in entrepreneurship to put your ideas into practice.

​Starting a business while in college is a terrific idea. Even if your business doesn’t make you a billion dollars, it can still help you pay for additional college expenses. An online business can definitely give you the flexibility you need!

The key to learning how to save money is to start saving small amounts often. If you can do this, you should have no problem building your savings up during your college years. Once you have a decent amount put away, you will need to decide how to make that money work for you.

​If you have a successful online business, you need to check out Novo. Novo is an awesome way to get your business accounts organized. You can gets started with a completely free account. As your business grows this will help you to keep your money straight! Check Novo out here.


For more on saving for college, listen to Episode 114 of The Money Exchange where Robert Farrington shared how best parents and children can work together to ensure  college is a debt-free journey.
Categories: Blog, Grants